Sunday, December 23, 2018

I Will Be What I Believe

With the help of our dear friend Patrick Twomey, we made this video expressing our commitment to Become the Message. Or in other words, I Will Be What I Believe!
Click on the link to view our video message.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Christmastime in Cal Sac

We often hear and talk about Christmas miracles.  I believe in them. We have definitely experienced Christmas miracles this year.  I know this is a crazy busy time for everyone, and I don't list off the things we have done to say how busy we have been, but to record a very strong impression, and prompting and I had the other day, and the gratitude I feel because of it. 

In the past two weeks, I have done a day long Sister's p day, we had a day long MLC, we have interviewed about 150 of our 180 missionaries, made cookies for those 180 missionaries, wrapped up gifts for those 180 missionaries, printed off a booklet we gave to those 180 missionaries to start a new scripture study at the first of the year, held three Christmas Zone Conferences, and helped with easily over 1000 packages and letters that come into the office this time of year.  We are on the other end of that now, and it all worked out, but I was feeling some pretty good stress looking ahead, two or three weeks ago.  Wondering how we were going to be able to do all of that, along with our regular everyday missionary things that constantly demand our attention.  As I was thinking and stressing about all that was ahead one day, the distinct thought came to me that there was no way I could get all of it done, but because I am on the Lord' errand, HE would help me get it all done.  He always does.  

This is one example. Last Saturday I was up against a project that I really had no idea how to handle or what the solution was. I was completely overwhelmed and had no idea how I was going to get what had to get done in the time I had to do it. I know that Heavenly Father answers specific prayers and so I prayed very specifically to know how to proceed with this challenge.  As I was praying, into my mind came the answer so clearly and specifically that I almost couldn't believe it. As I thought about it, the answer made complete sense and was so logical that I couldn't believe I hadn't thought of it.  But I hadn't, and the Lord had.  He had an answer to my very specific question.  

As I thought about that, and the things we still had left ahead in the coming week, I was overwhelmed with gratitude and recognized that the biggest Christmas miracle of all is the help we receive to do this work.  I know there is no way we could do this on our own.  I know that the miracles we have seen are attributed to the enabling power of our Savior Jesus Christ, and as we contemplate His birth and His life and the help we receive from Him every single day, no matter where or how we are serving, my heart is full to overflowing with gratitude.  Christmas miracles are real!

The first miracle is the miracle of the Christmas packages.  We have sent four children on missions and I had NO idea the process behind Christmas packages and mail.  We have had well over 1000 packages arrive at the mission office.  We had so many people step up to help us this year because we are very short staffed in the office right now.  Our office elders, Elder Dobson and Elder Anderson got the packages every day and wrote the name and the zone with marker on the side of each package.  Sister Gunnell would also help with the package arrivals. Then we had two wonderful members, Sister Kanzler, the wife of one of the counselors in the mission presidency, and Sister Salow who came three times a week to organize the packages by zone.  They also kept a tally of how many packages each missionary received.  This is what Scott's office looked like.

I was getting things nearly every day from some incredibly generous parents who sent things for us to distribute to missionaries who may not get much for Christmas that I was trying to catalogue and keep track of, along with several wards who donated many items and a very large amount of money that we were able to buy gifts we needed with.  I am humbled by the generosity of so many good people.  We have also received many gifts personally from parents of our missionaries.  That is also so humbling to me.  We sent four missionaries and I never thought to send gifts for other missionaries (besides my kids companions) or their mission presidents.  My heart has been so full of gratitude to so many who have been so generous.  

We were planning to distribute all of the packages during Zone Conferences, which meant that Elder Gunnell, Elder Scott and the assistants and office elders packed the big trailer each night before Zone conference and then unloaded and organized them by zones so the missionaries could easily locate their packages.  It is a huge undertaking that I had never known or thought about when I was sending packages to my kids.  
Reconciling packages last Saturday

Santa's helpers

I enjoy doing holiday baking.  The only holiday baking I have been able to do this month has been making batches and batches of ginger cookies for our interviews. 

We held Zone Conferences this Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  We had a combination of regular mission training and Christmas messages and activities.  We had the most awesome first hour.  Scott asked the Stake President's or a representative they sent, and their wives, or a relief society or young women leader from each Stake come to the zone conferences that matched up with the zones each day. He did a panel discussion with them on how to work with members.  It was awesome.  The members that came gave such good and inspired advice and it was nice to hear some specifics from them.  We sure love our members and are so grateful for the help they give us.  

Scott gave a training on obedience and making good decisions in the mission and in life.  He talks about the path of decision making and how poor judgement leads to poor decisions, which lead to poor actions, which can lead to few consequences, which is dangerous.  Because with few consequences poor decisions and actions continue until a time when there are devastating consequences.  He also taught the pattern of becoming good missionaries found with the missionary brothers, Nephi and Lehi.  There are some really great principles found in Helaman as you study the lives of those two brothers.  

I was able to do a training focused on Christmas.  I talked about the first four witnesses of the birth of Jesus.  Zacharias, Elizabeth, Mary and Joseph and the lessons we can learn from studying their lives as we are also called to witness of the divinity of our Savior Jesus Christ.  

We were then able to work on a special, secret project we are doing with our friend Patrick Twomey that I will post on facebook soon.  It's going to be awesome. 

After lunch we had each zone rework a Christmas carol that reflected missionary work in their zone.  We did this last year and it was so much fun, and hilarious.  The carols this year did not disappoint.  We laughed hard and were inspired by their creativity.  

Following the carols, we had a little game of Christmas trivia.  We had so many donations that we used some of them to give away as prizes.  It was a fun way to distribute some fun gifts and  gift cards and to test their Christmas knowledge.  

Here are some snapshots of the three days of Zone Conferences

Day 1: Sacramento, Elk Grove, Cordova and East Sacramento Zones

Sacramento Zone

Elk Grove Zone

Cordova Zone

East Sacramento Zone

Working on our Special Project

My little pink bag full of birthday Temple Recommend holders

Ready for Christmas Trivia and a final spiritual thought from President Hymas

Elder Thompson was our assistant for 6 months and wanted to go out into the field to train for his last transfer.  He is remarkable and this was his last Zone Conference and we are kind of heartbroken about that. 

Day 2: El Dorado, Folsom, Carmichael and North Sacramento Zones

El Dorado Zone

Folsom Zone

Carmichael Zone

North Sacramento Zone

Our right hand man (and woman).  We haven't had a mission secretary since September and Sister Gunnell has taken that on, along with her normal responsibilities.  Elder Gunnell is in charge of housing and finance, and now Elder and Sister Scott who have been doing cars and technology are leaving and their replacements aren't coming until February.  Which, I am THRILLED to announce that the couple replacing them are our friends Gail and Debbie Mair.  We couldn't feel more blessed to have the Gunnells and the Mairs in our office, but until they get here it's been a heavy load for Elder and Sister Gunnell and Elder and Sister Goodwin.  Sister Goodwin is our mission nurse and Elder Goodwin does bikes and emergency preparedness, and the history and now he will be taking on cars in the interim.  We are so grateful for all of them.

Christmas Trivia Time

 Without even thinking, Elder Lybbert knew how many gifts you would receive if you received ALL of the gifts in The Twelve Days of Christmas Song.  In case you ever need that piece of trivia, it's 365

Lots of Christmas baking will be happening in the North Sac Sister's Apartment
We have focused all year on 'Becoming the Message' and also on trying to get the missionaries to be good note takers when they receive promptings.  This was our Christmas gift to them this year to help them remember to do both.

Day 3: Lodi, Stockton and Manteca Zones

Lodi Zone

Stockton Zone

Manteca Zone

Christmas Carol and Trivia Time

We sure love these wonderful Elders and Sisters. They are so good and kind to us.  Sister Workman and Sister Wallentine even knitted us these scarves for Christmas.  Talk about a labor of love!
We were also blessed to be able to meet up with a few of our former missionaries.  I was able to visit with darling Hermana Najera at the office.

And, we were able to grab dinner with Elder Ravston and his girlfriend Meggy on Thursday night after we finished our last Zone Conference and some interviews. This was the first chance we have had to go downtown and it was so Festive and fun, it hasn't felt much like Christmas to us yet. 

We were so happy to go to the airport and pick up our son Preston who came today for Christmas.  We are grateful to have him here with us.  Now Christmas can come officially come.  We are so grateful and feel blessed to be able to celebrate the birth, and life of our Savior every day, but it is even more poignant this time of the year.  

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas with much love to all of you who follow along this joyous journey of ours.