Wednesday, March 27, 2019


If I were choosing a word of the week, the word for this past week or so would be Discover.  We had Zone Conferences last week and the theme was Discover What is Possible Because of Him.  

I never get tired of the process of zone conferences coming together.  Somehow Heavenly Father just always helps us know what we should do, even when we don't get it right the first time.  This time was no different.  We had met with the Assistants and felt pretty good about where we were going with things.  We felt to talk about Faith and Miracles. The Saturday before Zone Conference Scott and I worked most of the day on our trainings until we had to go to a Stake Conference.  

Sunday morning Scott had to leave early to go meet with some Stake Presidents and I got up to finalize my training.  I had thought it was actually pretty good, but as I started working on it, I started feeling like it wasn't quite right.  I started cutting things out, and having thoughts of what I should say instead.  It was changing and evolving and I felt like it was falling into place, but it was different than I had thought it was going to be.  About 11:00 Scott called me and said "I've been having some feelings about what I want to do in Zone Conference and it's different than what we talked about." He then proceeded to tell me some of the things he was feeling.  It shouldn't surprise me anymore, but it all fell exactly in line with what I had been feeling and the changes I had made.  I told our missionaries at Zone Conference that the Lord knows and loves them and knows what they need and He won't let us rest until we get it right and do what He wants us to do, not what we want to do.  

So, I was going to train in the morning and moved to the afternoon right before Scott finished up so I could lead into what he wanted to do.  I took my title "Discover What is Possible Because of Him" from the church Easter video from a few years ago entitled "Because of Him".  If we truly believe that all things are possible because of Him, we need to explore our role in the miracle process and developing the faith and the actions to allow God to work miracles in our lives. These principles are illustrated in the story when Jesus turned the water to the wine.  

We talked about 4 things that happened in that story.  As we put ourselves in the role of the servants we can learn much.  First is that Mary told the servants "whatsoever he saith unto you, do it".  As missionaries we need to be obedient, but we also need to listen to and act on the promptings we receive daily.  Second is that He told them to fill the water pots.  This was no easy task.  They lived in a desert and got their water from wells.  It is estimated that they had to fill those 6 water pots with 100-150 gallons of water.  It would have taken much effort and a lot of work to fill those pots, but the third point is that 'they filled them to the brim'.  This was no half hearted effort.  They gave it all they had, and more.  They didn't try to get by with filling them part way, or even most of the way, they were filled to the brim. The fourth point is that once they were filled to the brim, the miracle occurred, but not until they were filled to the brim. The servants actions made it possible for them to be part of the miracle, but it is Jesus that changed the wine.  The servants actions didn’t change the water to wine. Their action however, is necessary for them to be involved, for their own growth and their own benefit. 

We talked about how, once the water inside the pot had changed, an internal change, then the servants dipped in their cups and gave it to others. I believe this very first recorded miracle of Jesus was not recorded first by accident.  I believe it was a foreshadowing of Christ’s final miracle. The miracle of the atonement, which changes us internally.  It is through the atonement that this change inside of our ‘external stone pots’ can occur.  As missionaries we need to be changed internally. We need to see that the biggest miracle of all is the miracle of change that the Savior can make in us.  As we change and become the best wine, or our best selves, we can then offer that to others.  We need to discover in our own lives what is possible because of Him.   I told a couple of miracle stories from my own life that illustrated those four points.  

Scott then talked a lot about faith and miracles and what it means to fill our pots to the brim.  He gave examples from Nephi, Lehi and his brothers in the 'Bountiful Zone' and also Alma, Amulek and the other missionaries that were with them in the 'Antionum Zone'.  He went through a lot of things that we each need to do to fill our pots to the brim in order for the Savior to be able to work miracles in and through us.  He then gave them the #miraclestothebrim challenge which is that we will prepare for and look for and see miracles flowing into our mission.  The first thing we did was to hold a special fast last Sunday, fasting for the following things.  1. That we will each have the faith to fill our water pots to the brim so the Savior can perform the miracles we desire.  2. That every companionship will have someone at church between now and Easter Sunday. 3. That every companionship will have someone on date to be baptized, or baptized by the end of April and continue those goals through the end of June.  4. That as a mission we will have 100 baptisms between now and June 30.  He ended with an inspirational video that shows the growth of the church from the beginning until now. 

It was such a spiritual ending and the missionaries were all on board and ready to see the miracles flow.  It has been so fun to see their messenger posts and to talk to them about the miracles they are seeing already as a result of our fasting and our faith in what is possible because of Him, as we, the servants, prepare and do our part.  We have the most faith filled missionaries and we are so blessed to serve with them.  They are so willing to do whatever is asked of them, and they have faith to move mountains.  

Zone Conference Day 1: March 19:  Sacramento, Elk Grove, Cordova and East Sacramento 
Cordova Zone
Sacramento Zone

Elk Grove Zone

 East Sacramento Zone
Senior Missionaries

Celebrating Our Birthday Missionaries

Singing and thanking our wonderful members who feed us so well

Zone Conference Day 2: March 20: Carmichael, El Dorado, Folsom and North Sacramento
El Dorado Zone
 Folsom Zone
Carmichael Zone
North Sacramento Zone

I may have been chit chatting a little too long and President was ready to get things moving! Oops
 Birthday Celebrations Day 2

The Ta'olofa Ward provided a massive amount of delicious food for lunch! We are so grateful!

Sister Mair started bringing treats for those who turned in their gas receipts first. Those things are going to be flying in, now that they know treats are on the line.

Right after lunch Elder and Sister Gunnell came with our two new Temple Square Missionaries who are joining us for the next two transfers. They picked them up at the airport and brought them straight to Zone Conference. We LOVE having Temple Square sisters here and Sister Montierth and Sister Price are going to be amazing! We are so happy to have them here.

Sister Montierth
Sister Price

Zone Conference Day 3: March 21: Lodi, Stockton and Manteca Zones
 Stockton Zone
 Lodi Zone

Manteca Zone
Sister Mair delivering treats
 Smaller Zone Conference means less birthdays to celebrate

These sisters made the BEST homemade Mac and Cheese with ham.  It was a HIT!

The Sisters like to get pictures together with me....

And so the Elders decided they wanted pictures with President...

We stayed down in Stockton after Zone Conference to interview some of the Lodi Zone, then we stayed overnight down there and did the Manteca Zone interviews on Friday. 

Saturday we spent a good portion of the day getting ready for our Preparation Day on Monday.  We had our first ever 'Discover Downtown Sac' day with the missionaries that are closest to going home.  We had 22 on the list, the assistants and the Gunnells.  We thought we had it all planned and on Saturday we had to switch things up a little bit because it was supposed to rain all day on Monday and we were originally going to be outside the entire time.  As a side note, I asked all of the missionaries who were coming to pray that the rain would hold off and we wouldn't be adversely affected by it on Monday.  If you want prayers answered, ask a missionary to pray. We had perfect, coolish weather and didn't see a raindrop until we were pulling out to go home.  It was a #miracletothebrim.  Anyway, on Saturday we figured we better have plan B and so we went to the Capitol where I had read they gave free tours.  We decided we should go on one before we took all of the missionaries. We were very naive to think we could decide on Saturday that we wanted to bring nearly 30 people on a tour on Monday.  When we got there we were told the group tours are booked 6 months in advance, and we had too many people for the free public tours. We were told we could do our own self guided tour, so, we decided to go on the public tour and prepare to be tour guides on Monday.  I had my notebook and took notes of all of the interesting things, and bright and early Monday morning, I fulfilled my dream of being a tour guide.  I told the missionaries that whenever we travel and go on a tour, I always think it would be fun to be a guide, and now I was living the dream.  I will admit to saying "we're walking, we're walking" at least once, just because I could, and I thought it was funny.  So, we prepared on Saturday, there were a lot of logistical considerations to figure out, we got all of the food bought and prepared, and were ready to go, bright and early Monday morning. 

We met at a central church and had breakfast, then we were off to Discover Downtown.  We started at the Capitol Building, toured the grounds a bit and then went inside.

Thanks to Patrick Twomey for these incredible pictures

I wore the brightest coat I had so they wouldn't get lost and could always find me.  I am not a field trip novice. Once inside we had to get pictures with The California Bear. This was a gift from Arnold Schwarzenegger when he was the Governor, put outside the Governor's office to guard it. We were told it is also known as Bacteria Bear because so many school kids touch it every day.  EEEW. 

The tour begins
 They didn't know who Ronald Regan was.  We are so old!
The Assembly Room

The Governor's Portraits

The Senate Room

The Capitol Rotunda

Then it was off to visit the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament. It held the distinction of being the largest Cathedral West of the Mississippi for 75 years after it was built. It is beautiful inside but it didn't seem respectful to take pictures and post them.

Next Stop: Old Sacramento where our friend Patrick got some pictures of the Tower Bridge, we divided up and went on a scavenger hunt around Old Sac, and then had some free time to shop and just look around.
 Missionaries take over Old Sac

Let the Games Begin! First to find all 9 clues wins a prize!

Elder Miller will talk to anyone who will listen!

After some free time we went back to the church for lunch and then they were off to finish their Preparation Day.  We really enjoyed out day Discovering this great city where we are blessed to serve! We love Sacramento!