Monday, July 24, 2017

Exploring Sac Town

After surviving transfers, we had a little time to breath this week.  We did have a great meeting with all of the missionaries who will be going home in August.  Scott talked to them about the importance of remaining strong once they get home and the challenges that will face them once they take off their name tags and integrate back into civilian life.  It is so critical that they continue to retain the habits they have formed in the mission field.  We emphasized that the most important convert they have on their mission is their own self.  He also encouraged them to seek for and ask for miracles during their last transfer.  They have been diligent and obedient and they are worthy to ask for and receive miracles and expect that God will bless them in this last transfer.  He told them to pray for the thing they most desired in their last transfer.  D&C 123:17  "Wherefore, dearly beloved brethren (and sisters) let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed." We then all knelt in prayer and Scott called down the blessings of heaven on these faithful, last transfer missionaries. 

A funny, or not so funny, side note to this meeting.  The day after the meeting, one of the elders going home got two dog bites that required stitches, (I am sparing you pictures of that one) and one of the elders going home had a tree fall on his parked car.  We jokingly asked them if the thing they desired most was a good story to tell when they got home.  Because now they both do.  

 Elder Hoskin surveying the damage to his car

We also had a new leader training meeting for all those who were called this transfer to serve as new zone leaders, district leaders and sister training leaders.  As we see missionaries leave, and as we were with those who will be leaving in August, we wonder how we can replace those seasoned missionaries.  I can testify that the Lord prepares others to step right in without missing a beat. As we were training the new leaders, we felt confident that they will step up and fill those big shoes without any trouble. We are amazed at the depth and goodness of the missionaries here.  

On Friday, after 3 weeks, we finally had a chance to take a half p-day and explore a little of Sacramento.  We found a fun tour, we downloaded an app and took a scavenger hunt through the city, right from our phone. We had to find different landmarks, and figure out different clues.  It was really fun and got us out walking the city.  We only had time to get through half of it, but we are anxious to go back and finish the rest someday.  

First order of business was lunch, we found a delicious place called Broderick, this is a picture of my ham and cheese sandwich that had mac and cheese on it.  Completely unhealthy and fattening, and delicious.  

            The grounds around the State Capitol

                                               State Capitol Building, outside, and inside

                    The new Golden 1 Center 

We found they celebrate Pioneer Day outside of Utah.  Our Stake, The Folsom Stake, had a huge Pioneer Day Picnic and celebration.  There was food, entertainment, water games for kids, and it was a great party.  It was also a great event for the missionaries to invite investigators and potential investigators to attend.  Who doesn't love a good summer party? 

 Elders Miller and Young Yen with Preston

We were able to gain a little culture as we went with the Senior office couples to a production of "A Comedy of Errors" at the Sacramento Shakespeare in the Park event.  

We love being around the missionaries and so we invited the sisters in our area to come to dinner on Sunday.  I had a near miss, and I didn't realize I had bought cottage cheese with pineapple and almost used it for my lasagne.  That would have been interesting and disgusting and they most likely wouldn't have been anxious to rush back to our house for dinner any time soon.  Luckily I had bought an extra to eat with pretzels and we hadn't dug into it yet, so it all ended well.  

Sisters, Ekins, McDonald, me, Wong, and Davis

On a final note, I never get tired of these beautiful trees that line the road to our neighborhood.  

It looks to be another great week, we have interviews this week, Scott will be able to interview each missionary and I get to chat with each of them as their companions are in with Scott. We can't wait to get to know them better and to spend time with them.  

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog and seeing our Elder Miller! He is the first misssionary in our family, so it is so fun to hear what happens when they arrive! Thank you so very much for taking the time to write this. Audra Miller
