Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Meet our Newest Additions

Meet our newest additions


             Elder  Miller training Elder Dobson                Elder Anderson training Elder Holdaway

       Sister Van Valkenburg training Sister Na                  Sister Wilding training Sister Roberts

         Elder Edgington training Elder Allen                       Sister Turner training Sister Richards

       Elder Hammond training Elder Osborne                  Elder Chen training Elder Woodward

          Elder Shafer training Elder Brown                            Elder Damon training Elder Wills

         Elder Ross training Elder Organ                          Elder Schwenson training Elder Gubbins
        Sister Koller training Sister Mitchell                          Elder Stewart training Elder Evans

  Elder Brown training Elder Tillack                 Hermana Hernandez training Hermana Quizon

          Elder Snow training Elder Henry                              Elder Carper training Elder Arnold

        Sister Thomas training Sister Root                              Elder Cook training Elder Gibbons
Hermana Alexander training Hermana Melendez     Elder Cummings training Elder Fischetti

           Elder Westra training Elder Babin                           Elder Ross training Elder Steglich

Elder Field training Elder Pierson

 We are so grateful to have these 25 new missionaries added to our ranks.  We love them already and can't wait to see what God is going to do with them.

Here they come...

We were blessed to get 25 new missionaries in our mission this week.  It was pretty crazy getting them all processed and set up with their new companions.  We are so incredibly grateful for our wonderful office staff, Sister Stohl, Elder and Sister Rasmussen, Elder and Sister Westring and Elder and Sister Gunn who work so hard preparing for these missionaries to arrive.  We could never do what we do without them and we love and appreciate them dearly.  I had no idea before we came on our mission how much work behind the scenes it takes to run a mission, and we have the best of the best.

Here are pictures of our newest California Sacramento Missionaries and their arrival here.

 Awaiting the arrival of our newest missionaries. This may have been the last time of the day anyone sat down.  
 Preston and Scott didn't see each other until we met them at the airport and they were in twin ties.  #twinningiswinning

                    We gathered at the airport for our mission wide 9:55 mighty prayer
                          This is the largest group anyone can remember for a long time.
 Hermana Melendez came on a later flight from the Mexico City MTC.                                                       Look at all those bikes and that luggage

Entertaining the trainers while they wait to meet their new trainees by taking some selfies

Saturday, August 26, 2017

There they go...

Another banner week here in the Cal Sac Mission.  We started out on Monday by going to two different Zone activities that we were invited to.  We love being able to be with the missionaries at activities where we can let our hair down a bit and just enjoy their company. 

 This is the Carmichael Zone.  We watched their lip sinc competition, which we were supposed to judge, but of course everyone was a winner.  And we played signs, most of us are doing our signs in the picture.  

We left this activity and headed straight for the Sacramento Zone, where we had delicious food prepared by the senior missionaries in the zone, once again, played signs (it's definitely a mission favorite) and played a new one to us: chair soccer. 

This is after Sister Cundick, Sister Wilkins and Sister Wilding and I gave up on chair soccer!

It was transfer preparation week, which meant fasting on Monday night and spending Tuesday with our assistants, seeking revelation on 25 new trainers, and where the Lord needs everyone serving right now.  It always amazes me how it all seems to work out.  I know I have been here long enough to realize the Lord is definitely in charge of this work, but I hope I never cease to be amazed at his involvement in every detail. 

I was able to go to a baptism on Thursday night.  Hermana Scott left this morning and was able to have one final baptism before she left.  I felt invested in this one as well because we had gone teaching with her and Hermana Leon to this wonderful family.  We became instant friends and we were thrilled when Paula decided she was ready for baptism.  We love her parents Eric and Lillian as well.  They are a wonderful, kind family.  

On Wednesday we had our 5 week follow up training with the new missionaries from last transfer.  It is joyful to see the growth that has taken place in just 5 short weeks.  It is hard to think they have only been here for 5 weeks, it seems like they have been part of the mission for much longer than that.  One of my favorite things in the mission is seeing what the Lord can do with us when we turn our lives over to Him.  This week in the mission that process is very evident.  We start with the 5 week training, and see those who are gaining confidence in the work, but are still taking their first steps, so to speak.  

Then on Friday we have the New Trainer meeting.  This time we had 27 missionaries there.  We have 25 new missionaries coming in on Monday and two missionaries who need to finish the last 6 weeks of their training with a new trainer.  In this meeting are pretty experienced missionaries, some have trained before, for some this is the first time training and you can sense their excitement, but also nervousness.  And we have one training who has only been here 12 weeks and is just finishing up his 12 week training.  It is a great meeting, to be able to feel of their desire to ensure a great experience for their new missionary who will be arriving on Monday.  You can already feel the love they have for their trainee, and their humility to have such a great responsibility placed upon their shoulders. 

From there we go into a meeting with the departing missionaries, we go to the temple with them, and then come back to our home for a departing dinner and testimony meeting.  We feel of their maturity in the gospel, their reflection on all they have learned and the growth they have experienced.  They are remarkable and filled with wisdom that can only be gained through experience.  

Then on Monday we will be at the airport to welcome 25 brand new, straight from the MTC missionaries who are full of faith and fire.  Their excitement makes up for their lack of experience or nervousness.  It is a great week to see the entire cross section of missionaries and we love it.  

We hate saying goodbye to those who have finished and are on their way home.  We had a wonderful day and night with them last night.  Testimonies were shared, tears were shed, we also had a lot of laughs as we sat around after dinner and they asked for and got more dating and life advice than they probably had anticipated.  We told them if they ask us for advice, we always have plenty to give.  And of course, we have a few pretty funny stories from our courtship.  

How we love this group of Sisters and Elders. As we were all in the Celestial Room of the temple, Scott and I looked over this group, who filled the room. Each one of them were bowing their heads, reporting their missions to their Heavenly Father and it was a sacred moment.  We both got teary and I was again, so humbled and grateful for the opportunity of being here with them.  I offered a prayer of gratitude for this blessing in our lives.  

This is Sister Gail and Sister Stohl, who are my right hand women when we have these dinners.  They are wonderful and help me, not only for these dinners but just about every single day out here.  Also, our new assistant, Elder Murphy.  The assistants serve the departing dinner and apparently the tradition is the new assistant has to wear a 'girly' apron his first time.  Elder Murphy was a sport and walked around with an apron that said Sister Hymas on it all night long.  Doesn't he look thrilled?

I said goodbye to Elder Marion and Elder Bond last night.  They both had really early flights, both to the Houston area, we are praying they make it home safe and sound in light of the hurricane down there.  Scott picked them up at 4 a.m to get them to the airport on time. 
 Elder Miller's family picked him up last night, so early goodbye to him as well. 

I had to snap a picture of this impressive army of missionaries crossing the street! Powerful!

 That's a lot of luggage.  Thanks to Elder and Sister Rasmussen for always making sure things run smoothly and without a hitch! 

Goodbyes are hard, especially when Hermana Leon is going home to Peru and we aren't sure when we will meet again.  

Elder Galvez and Elder Bird

Elder Scott and Elder Hoskin

Elder Knotts and Elder Henderson

 Elder Lee and Elder Mayne

Elder Brock and Elder Howland 

Elder Jermain and Sister Cundick

Sister Moffett and Sister Barnes

 Sister Davis and Sister Beck

Hermana Scott

And they're off...  there they go, moving forward to a great future.  #BEHAPPY   Mosiah 2:41