Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Here they come...

We were blessed to get 25 new missionaries in our mission this week.  It was pretty crazy getting them all processed and set up with their new companions.  We are so incredibly grateful for our wonderful office staff, Sister Stohl, Elder and Sister Rasmussen, Elder and Sister Westring and Elder and Sister Gunn who work so hard preparing for these missionaries to arrive.  We could never do what we do without them and we love and appreciate them dearly.  I had no idea before we came on our mission how much work behind the scenes it takes to run a mission, and we have the best of the best.

Here are pictures of our newest California Sacramento Missionaries and their arrival here.

 Awaiting the arrival of our newest missionaries. This may have been the last time of the day anyone sat down.  
 Preston and Scott didn't see each other until we met them at the airport and they were in twin ties.  #twinningiswinning

                    We gathered at the airport for our mission wide 9:55 mighty prayer
                          This is the largest group anyone can remember for a long time.
 Hermana Melendez came on a later flight from the Mexico City MTC.                                                       Look at all those bikes and that luggage

Entertaining the trainers while they wait to meet their new trainees by taking some selfies

1 comment:

  1. So glad they all got there safe and sound! What a great experience for these young people!
