Thursday, November 30, 2017

November Comings and Goings

We have had a lot of comings and goings this month.  We welcomed 23 new missionaries to the California Sacramento Mission on Monday, November 20.  We absolutely love the excitement that each group of new missionaries bring with them.  

We picked up the first 20 that came from the Provo MTC and took them to our home for dinner and interviews with Scott.  Three more that came from the Mexico City MTC followed about an hour later. 

This is one of my favorite days in the mission.  

 These are the three from the Mexico MTC that didn't get in the large group picture.  Elder Lilly, Elder Phillips and Elder Castelan

Patiently waiting for everyone to have their interview, and then they could finally go to their lodging places and go to bed.  

On Tuesday morning the new missionaries met at the Mission office and had their new missionary training.  After the training they were able to meet their new trainers.  That is a fun experience.  We walked them into the cultural hall where the new trainers and the departing missionaries were waiting for them.  As we walked in, they started singing "Called to Serve" and then we matched them up and had lunch.  Thank heavens for our wonderful office Elders and Sisters who provide lunch.  That was a lot of missionaries to feed.  

Elder Clark and Elder Lilly, both being trained by Elder Shafer, who is a proud papa of twins

Elder Phillips being trained by Elder Chase and Elder Lee being trained by Elder Wills

Elder Peterson being trained by Elders Worthen and Duncan, and Elder Castelan being trained by Elder Lillian

Elder Kaiserman being trained by Elder Cummings, and Sister Hunter being trained by Sister Richins

Sister Tenney being trained by Sister Kearl and Elder Santillan being trained by Elder Perry

Sister Armstrong being trained by Sister Wilding and Hermana Sumner being trained by Hermana June

Elder Gillans, trained by Elders Nelson and Berry and Elder Buckley being trained by Elder Steglich

Another set of twins: Elder Torres and Elder Nilson both being trained by Elder Larsen

Elder James being trained by Elder Fischetti and Elder Manalansang being trained by Elder Ludlow

Elder Zoller being trained by Elders Ravsten and Dougherty and Elder Neas being trained by Elder Osborne

Sister Tatafu being trained by Sister Kacksaetter and Elder Barton being trained by Elder Dobson

Sister White being trained by Sister Rowley

This is one large, powerful group of missionaries.  This group of 23 is the largest we have had so far, and we have had some large ones.  In the five months that we have been here we have welcomed 72 new missionaries into our mission, and we currently have 132 missionaries, so more than half have been here less time than we have.  What this means is that many of the missionaries who just finished their 12 week training are now the trainers, and they are doing a fabulous job.  Whom the Lord calls, the Lord qualifies.  The mission is full of excitement and enthusiasm and it is awesome!

After we took pictures of the new missionaries and their trainers, we did a temple session with our departing missionaries and then took them back to our home for dinner and a testimony meeting.  

I had to get a picture of this beautiful sky, and my cute hubby

Elder Yorgasen is our new Assistant and he had to spend his first night serving in my apron

Wednesday morning it was off to the airport with these 8.  Sending them home the day before Thanksgiving was pretty special.  I know there were 8 families who had their best Thanksgiving ever. It breaks my heart to send each group home.  It's a good thing I have been the mom on the receiving end of returning missionaries and know the joy on the other end.  It makes me happy for their families who are so excited, but it sure is hard on our end. 

 Elder Or had to leave very early for his flight to Cambodia so we had to get a picture with him at the temple the night before he left

                    Sister Sessions                                                             Sister Hudson

                Elder Stewart                                                              Sister Wilkins

              Hermana Morris                                                             Elder Calvert

      Elder Pennington.  Saying goodbye is not easy! 

We had one other 'coming' in October that I didn't have a picture of, so Sister Skank is getting welcomed with the November comings and goings.  Sister Skank is the newest member of our Mission Office Family.  She is our new secretary and we are so grateful and happy to have her here.  

It's been a crazy few weeks, and there is still lots more to update from the past two weeks, but this will suffice for now.  Thanks for your love and support of us and our missionaries.