Thursday, November 16, 2017

God Is In The Details

In 2 Nephi 27:21 we are told "for I will show unto the children of men that I am able to do mine own work."  I have seen that scripture come to pass time and time again on our mission. I have gained an even greater testimony that this is God's work and He can do His own work, and the reason He allows us to assist Him is because He loves us and knows it is what will bring us joy and happiness.  We had a neat experience this week that was another example of this principle.  

It started just six weeks ago while we were doing the transfer board.  There is one zone in our mission that has only had Elders in it since we arrived.  Scott felt prompted that we needed to put some sisters in that zone and it was decided which area they we would shotgun some sisters into.  Then we tried to think of which sisters should be transferred to serve there.  He got the impression of who he needed to send there and on paper it didn't make a lot of sense.  He felt impressed to put a trio of sisters there, two of whom only had one transfer left in the mission.  It is really not ideal to transfer someone to a new area for their last transfer, especially to shot gun two of them into a new area, but that is what he felt and so that is what he did.  Sister Sessions, Sister Hudson and Sister Kacksaetter were on their way to The Cottage Park Ward in East Sac.  

I was with Sister Session after she knew she was getting transferred, but before she knew where she was going or who she was going with. She was, of course, willing to do whatever was asked of her, but she wasn't super excited about it. She said "Sister Hymas, I never wanted to be a one and done".  I told her it was going to be wonderful and that she was going to be happy.  I told her that it was definitely where the Lord needed her at this time and she needed to go to her new area with a cheerful heart and a desire to finish strong and more importantly to find out why the Lord wanted her to finish her mission in this new area.  Which, of course she did.  

Sister Sessions and Sister Hudson had come out together and been companions in the MTC, I believe. (Or maybe they were companions here, I can't remember that detail) They were really excited to be together, so that was good. And there isn't anyone who wouldn't love Sister Kacksaetter, so all was well.  But here is where the miracle starts.

The very first Sunday that they were in that ward, a young woman named Bri walked into the church. She had seen the church and on that Sunday felt prompted to finally go to the church, which was an hour and a half walk for her.  She met the sisters and they exchanged numbers and information.  The next day, Monday, was p day and before the sisters could get her called, Bri called them and asked them when they could meet with her and teach her more about God.  Wow, that doesn't happen often.  

They met with her and started teaching her and she accepted and loved everything they taught her.  She told them that she was engaged and her fiance wasn't that interested in learning about the church but he was happy to have her keep learning.  Well, after the sisters taught her the Plan of Salvation Bri went home and taught it to her fiance, Anthony.  He loved it, and it felt right to him, so he decided he wanted the sisters to teach him.  As they continued to learn they had a desire to get baptized.  Bri told the sisters she wanted to get married and baptized on the same day, and she picked the date, November 11.  

The problem was, Bri didn't have any family or support system to help her plan the wedding, and so, the trio of Sisters the Lord sent to teach her, were also sent to be her wedding planners.  They got right to work, and each had specific skills that were put to use.  Unbeknownst to us, Sister Sessions loves to bake and so she was in charge of the wedding cake. Sister Kacksaetter is a wonderful seamstress and helped transform a plain white dress into a lovely wedding gown, and Sister Hudson was the organizer and got the ward involved with food for a gathering after the wedding.  We didn't know that, but the Lord knew that and he knew and Loved Bri enough to care about her having a lovely wedding. He also knew and loved these sisters, and knew what they could offer.  As much as I love our Elders, I don't think they could have pulled off a wedding like the trio of sisters did. We tell the missionaries with one transfer left that as they have worked hard and been faithful and obedient, they have every right to ask Heavenly Father to bless them with miracles in their last transfer and I would call this a 'last transfer miracle' for Sister Sessions and Sister Hudson.  I think the sisters might have been happier than Bri and Anthony.  They were filled with the joy that is spoken of in D&C 18.  The joy that comes with knowing you are partnering with God in helping Him bring to pass His Work and His Glory.

And so, last Saturday, Bri and Anthony got married and created a new family unit and a few hours later they both got baptized and entered on the path that will lead them to the temple which will enable them to create an eternal family unit. Their goal is to go to the temple in year.  When someone asked Anthony what his goal was, he said "Celestial". Yes, Bri and Anthony are shooting for Celestial, and God knew they who needed in their lives to get them on that path.  

It was a miracle and as I sat at the baptism I had a scripture run through my mind and it's been there all week. 

D&C 123:17  "Therefore, dearly beloved brethren (and I would add sisters), let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God and for his arm to be revealed."  

If we look for it, God's hand is revealed in each of our lives every day.  This was just an extra special experience that I will never forget. 

These three were the teachers, the wedding planners and the Bridesmaids.  They let me stand in since I unknowingly wore the colors of the wedding.  

We also had a fun weekend of catching up.  Three of our former missionaries came in to town for the sealing of one of their recent converts and so we got to spend some time with them.  It was SO great to catch up with Elder Watts, Elder Henderson and Elder Hansen. They don't go by those names any more but it was so weird to call them Zach, Caden and Nathan.  The best part was that I could hug them as much as I wanted.  That might be one of the hardest things for me.  With all of my boys, and all of the friends they have had at our house over the years, it is just instinctive for me to give them all big mom hugs.  I can't do that with the missionaries, but I can once they aren't missionaries and come back to visit.  It was also fun to sit and chat about life and girls and dating and have it all be ok.  

We were able to take them to dinner on Friday night, and we loved being with them, and we also loved being able to eat outside in November.  Benefit of being in California!  We had the most fun, and would love them, or any of our others, to come back soon!

On Saturday I was able to take some time to meet up with a dear friend who lives just outside of our mission, but not too far away.  We met in the middle (in our mission boundaries). I met Lisa about 8 or 9 years ago and how time changes things.  She used to be my trainer and we would work out together, and now we just meet up to eat at a place called Bacon and Butter.  It was delicious, but even better to catch up with her.  We were just missing Mary Jayne, if she had been there it would have been just like old times.  Without the gym. And without the workout clothes. And with food, so I guess not really that much like old times. But it was a great afternoon! I sure do love 'little Lisa' as we affectionately called her! 

We had our 5 Week New Missionary meeting yesterday.  That is a great meeting when the new missionaries who have been here for 5 weeks come with their trainers for a follow up training.  I love it because you can see such growth in these new missionaries in such a short amount of time.  The new missionaries have an opportunity to bear their testimonies on what they have learned and how they have grown in the past 5 weeks.  It's one of my favorite meetings.  Yesterday was touching, we have a trainer who will be going home this transfer.  Elder Or, (pronounced Elder Ow) trained his last transfer and loved being a trainer to Elder Whiting.  He is the most loving Elder and was pretty emotional about leaving for home in Cambodia next week.  If you were to visit our mission you would see many missionaries sporting ties that Elder Or's mom has made. She has made ties the entire time he has been on his mission and sends them here to a member who sells them in order to pay for Elder Or's mission.  He gave a tie to Scott, and nearly every missionary has a Cambodian tie.  Yesterday Scott asked everyone who was wearing a Cambodian tie to stand up and this is the group who all wore their ties, in honor of Elder Or (standing next to President Hymas).  He is very beloved. 
And finally, I just had to post some pictures of Autumn in Sacramento.  I was worried about not being able to experience my very favorite season, but those fears were definitely unfounded.  Fall has been a bit of a show off this season, it just shows up a little later here than in Utah, but my patience has paid off. 

Sister Wong and Sister Brown may be the happiest companionship in the mission. They are just always smiling. I am blessed to run in to them often because their area is near our mission office.  I always come away from any encounter with them with a smile on my face.  

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