Sunday, December 31, 2017

Not Goodbye, just See Ya Later

I'm not big on change, and so this mission is stretching me a bit because every six weeks we have big changes.  One change I love is to see the growth in the new missionaries from arrival day to the 5 week new missionary meeting.  We had that meeting on Wednesday and I told them it may be my favorite meeting of the entire transfer cycle. To see the growth in the new missionaries in just a short 5 weeks is, well, a miracle.  Not that they aren't great when they get here, but after 5 weeks in the mission, there is a remarkable transformation and addition of wisdom that can only be gained by experience.  We had each 'new' missionary bear testimony of one thing they have learned over the past 5 weeks and it brought tears to my eyes to hear them testify of things they have learned and ways they have grown.  I absolutely love that meeting.  

Another reason I love it, is because it is a graduation or a rite of passage of sorts for them.  They only have one more week of being the youngest in the mission and it is usually a place of honor they are happy to pass on to someone else.  This time they are passing it on to 14 others, who will be arriving on Monday.  

One reason I hate that meeting is because it means it's time for another group to go home.  I tell you, I get so attached to these Elders and Sisters that it is really hard to say goodbye.  That's why I tell myself, and them, it's not goodbye, it's just see ya later.  

In contention for another one of my favorite meetings of the transfer cycle is the testimony meeting we have with the outgoing missionaries at our home after we have gone to the temple with them and had dinner.  There is a circle of life, even in a mission.  The young ones come in full of faith and fire and enthusiasm, and the old ones leave full of faith that has been tested in the furnace of fire, wisdom, and conviction, and a rock solid testimony.  

This past Friday, we had that meeting with our departing missionaries.  It happened to be our 34th wedding anniversary, and we were grateful to spend it with a few of California Sacramento's finest.  It was a wonderful evening.  How we love these missionaries.  

We first meeting in President Hymas' office for a few instructions and words of wisdom.  By this time they have said goodbye to their companions, dropped their luggage and are pretty nervous about going home.  Then we head to the temple. 
The temple is a place of love and peace and it is amazing to see the transformation that occurs after the temple session.  They come out feeling settled, calm, peaceful and with an assurance that Heavenly Father has accepted their offering, and they have a feeling of being ready to move on to the next stage of life.  I love that this happens every single time!
 President with Elders Fudge, Worthen, Ross and How
 Me with Sisters Johansen, McDonald, Kaufusi, Cha and Turner
I love these happy faces!!!

 We had to take some anniversary pictures

After the temple we bring them back to our home for dinner, have a testimony meeting, they sign the mission banner, and Scott and I give them our best advice for a happy life, and then we have some fun.  Because it was our anniversary they wanted to see pictures from our wedding.  We pulled out some photo books and they had some good laughs over our various looks over the years. They could not believe Scott at one time had, almost black hair.  I asked them if they thought his hair was always the color it is now, and it hadn't occurred to them that it wasn't.  

The next morning it is off to the airport.  Next stop: happy parents, families, friends and HOME!
                               Always look up!

Elder Worthen and Elder How

Elder Fudge and Elder Ross

The airport is the only time I get to hug the Elders and Scott gets to hug the Sisters.  We look forward to that.  I'm a hugger and not giving these Elders a big hug every time I see them might be the hardest thing I do out here.  

Sister Cha and Sister Johansen

Sister Turner

Sister McDonald

Sister Kaufusi.  Sister Kaufusi's parents came to pick her up so we took her to the airport with us and then took her back to the office to meet up with her parents and her sister.
Sister Pyatt
There is a big hole these Elders and Sisters are leaving in the mission. They have been truly consecrated missionaries and we are so grateful for the blessing it has been for us to serve with them.  They will always have a place in our hearts and we will love them forever.  

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