Thursday, May 9, 2019

Gratitude is a Magnet for Miracles

It's only been a week since I wrote my last blog but I have a LOT of pictures and some great stories to share, so buckle up!

Last Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday we had our Zone Conferences.  It seems like they come around a lot faster than every 6 weeks, but I am also always amazed at how we are helped every single time to know what to train on.  It's not us, but Heavenly Father knows the needs of our missionaries and we are grateful to be part of the process of getting the information to them.  

President started things off with President Nelson's quote about the gathering of Israel being the greatest challenge, the greatest cause, the greatest work on the earth today.  He talked about how obedience because of our love for the Savior is the biggest key to allowing us the access to His power to help us gather Israel.  

He finished off the day talking about a new area plan that will be rolled out by our Area Presidency in a month or so.  It includes more emphasis on the temple.  Teaching with the end in mind, which is not baptism, it is getting our new members to the temple.  Along with that, we are going to be focusing more on introducing family history to our new friends early in the teaching process. Teaching shorter, but more frequent lessons, and getting members involved early in the teaching process.  We are calling this 'The Road to Temple Hill'.  The Sacramento Temple sits on a hill, called, as you might imagine, Temple Hill.  

He also talked about the path to conversion, which occurs with the friends we are teaching, but also with missionaries and members alike, when we have desires, we do a few things, we feel the spirit, and we know a few things.  When those four things intersect, that is when true conversion occurs.

Elder Larsen and Elder Fischetti trained on better daily planning, and on knowing how to move people along the path to conversion, which includes releasing people when needed.   

The title of this blog was the title of my training.  I felt a need to talk about how gratitude is a magnet for miracles.  Often we have a tendency to focus on things we don't have, rather than all the things we do have.  That is one of Satan's tricks. There is a scriptural example of this that is found in Moses. When Adam and Eve were put in the Garden of Eden, they were given all of the fruit from all of the trees, except one, and they were happy, until Satan came and pointed out the one tree they couldn't eat from.  Then that one tree became Eve's focus. In this case, this was part of the plan, but Satan didn't know this. "He knew not the mind of God, wherefore he sought to destroy the world".  If Satan used that tactic then, he is still using that tactic today. 

There was a great quote from a talk by Elder Gordon Watts that said:  "Gratitude begins with attitude. While to some every apple shines, to others the remaining blemishes after the polishing process are all that’s visible."  

I had them help me make a list of all of the things they look at as a blemish, the if/then ideas of 'if I had ___ then I would be happy."  They listed things like bikes, weather, comparisons, companions, wards, etc.  Then we tried to figure out how to avoid focusing on the blemishes, but rather to focus on the shiny apple.  It all begins with attitude.  Then we got a little deeper into Gratitude for Companions, and Gratitude for Members, and how to look for the good instead of focusing on the things they wish were different.  

I finished off with the story of Elisha and his servant, who were surrounded by armies of the Syrians and the servant was very worried and didn't know what was going to happen to them.  Elisha knew there were more with them than against them, and he prayed that the eyes of his servant would be opened to see all the help they DID have.  Elisha's servant was looking at what they didn't have. It took a prophet’s vision for him to open his eyes to see what he actually did have. Our prophet has a vision of the gathering of Israel. To be able to catch that vision ourselves we must open our eyes to see what we do have, and quit looking for what we don’t have.  That is Satan’s plan.  God’s plan is always to back us up and he would have us see, recognize and be grateful for all that he has given us, and all he continues to give us.  That is when miracles can happen. 

Zone Conference April 30:  Sacramento, Elk Grove, Cordova and East Sacramento Zones
 Sacramento Zone
 Elk Grove Zone
 Cordova Zone
 East Sacramento Zone
 Brother Twomey had the great idea to do a Sister's and an Elder's picture.  I think this might be a new tradition!
Elder and Sister Mair giving prizes for the earliest gas receipts and the cleanest cars

Celebrating a lot of birthdays!

Thanking the wonderful members who feed us so well!

Heading back in for round 2

Zone Conference May 1: El Dorado, Folsom, Carmichael and North Sacramento
 El Dorado Zone
 Folsom Zone
 Carmichael Zone
 North Sacramento Zone

They love Elder and Sister Mair's prizes

Happy Birthday!

By the time lunch was over, all of the sisters who fixed and served the food were gone, so this was the first time in our whole time here that we didn't get to sing our thanks to them, so unfortunately, not as many pictures.

 Our Assistants, Elder Larsen and Elder Fischetti work so hard and help us SO much!

Zone Conference May 2: Lodi, Stockton and Manteca Zones

 Manteca Zone
Stockton Zone
 Lodi Zone
 Sisters are small in numbers in these three zones, but they are mighty!
Clean Car and Early Gas Receipt Winners

No one wanted to come up for birthdays this time.  I guess the chapstick isn't as big of a draw as it is in the other zones
I got them up here eventually

We stayed late in Lodi after Zone Conference to do interviews for half of the Lodi Zone, and luckily missed a huge traffic jam.  The assistants texted us and told us to steer clear of the 99 because the highway was closed.  What we didn't know was the miracle that happened during the closure.  

I got an email from Elder Sasser's mom, Wendy, telling me of this experience and I share it with her permission.  Brother Sasser was in Sacramento on business and was heading to the airport on highway 99 when he came upon the stopped traffic.  The closure lasted several hours and after some time, people started getting out of their cars, walking around and visiting with each other.  As he looked up, about 5 car lengths in front of him he saw two young men in white shirts and ties working their way down the lines of cars.  This story alone was enough to make this mission momma proud, but the miracle is yet to come.  

He got out of his car to meet them and asked them if they knew Elder Sasser.  Elder Sasser has only been here for about 3 transfers.  It just so happened that one of the Elders working the crowd was Elder Nilson, Elder Sasser's trainer.  What are the chances that in all of Sacramento, and out of our 180 missionaries, Elder Sasser's dad, and his trainer happened to be within 5 car lengths of each other, and happened to be stuck in a huge traffic jam, and happened to meet on the 99?  The answer is, no chance.  God is in the details of everything.  

I was able to talk to Elder Nilson and his companion, Elder West about this experience.  I loved their creativity.  They sat in the car for a while and then had the feeling that they had a very unique opportunity so they got out and started working the crowd.  They had a note card and went car to car asking people if they were dog or cat people. They figured that would be a fun way to get a conversation started, they passed out a lot of pamphlets and had another miracle Sister Sasser didn't know about.  

Just a few days before this happened they were meeting with a member in their ward who wanted them to check up on her less active sister.  They couldn't get a hold of her and weren't quite sure how they were going to meet up with her due to some interesting circumstances.  As they were working the highway crowd, that very sister happened to be just a few cars behind them, they put two and two together, and had a nice little visit on the closed highway.  

Then...we told this story to Elder and Sister Gunnell who were in the office that day and they couldn't believe it.  The very same day Brother Sasser was meeting his son's trainer, Elder Nilson, The Nilson family had stopped by the mission office on their way through town to pick up a box of things Elder Nilson didn't want to ship home.  As they were in the office, who should walk in the door, but Elder Sasser.  Sister Nilson immediately recognized him from pictures and it was a very happy meeting.  You just can't make this stuff up. God is good and definitely was looking out for the Sasser and Nilson families that Thursday afternoon. 

Saturday night and Sunday we spoke in the Carmichael Stake Conference.  We didn't have an assignment on Saturday night, other than to be there.  They had an Area Seventy presiding and as it turns out, he did something we have never seen in a Saturday night session.  He had a little fun with everyone.  He called President and I up to do a few spontaneous role plays to show members how easy it is to share the gospel.  He had three points.  1. Talk to everyone. 2. If they seem receptive, bring up the gospel in some way in the conversation.  3. If they are receptive to that, invite them somewhere.  Easy as that.  He had Scott and I role play those things with him in front of everyone, and then he gave time for everyone there to role play those things with the people sitting in front of or behind them.  It was a fun way to get people to interact, and also to practice sharing the gospel in three easy, normal and natural ways.   

Sunday was also Scott's birthday.  It was a crazy day for him, but we did have time to go to Elder and Sister Gunnell's for a birthday dinner.  It was so kind of them to invite us.  It was delicious and so much fun to be with them, the Mair's and Elder Larsen and Elder Fischetti to celebrate.

His very favorite cake is a coconut cake that he gets every year on his birthday.  I didn't get it frosted soon enough to get it in the refrigerator.  It looked great when we left the house, but 20 minutes in a hot car was not this coconut cake's friend.  It looked horrible when we finally cut into it, but it still tasted pretty good. 

Bright and early Monday morning we had our Discover Downtown Preparation Day for another 24 or so missionaries.  We started off great with breakfast at the Wissemann building and then headed downtown to the State Capitol Building to start our day.  We thought it was going to be so easy since we just did our first one a month ago and worked out a few kinks.  What we didn't plan on was a huge memorial service that was going on at the capitol for all of the police officers through the entire state who had been killed in the line of duty.  Security was crazy and so many streets were blocked off. So we did what we do best, and called an audible, as president says.  We headed straight to Old Sac, which was where we were going to end up.  We decided to walk from Old Sac to the Golden 1 Center and show them around there after showing them the timeline of Sacramento mural.  On our way to the Golden 1 Center we found a fun little spot where they had yard games set up.  We stayed there for at least 45 minutes playing the games and we had the most spontaneous fun.  We couldn't have planned it better.

Not to brag, but I think these Elders were a little surprised, and a little impressed with my Corn Hole skills.

This very intense Giant Jenga game that Elder Gibbons, Elder Woodward, Sister Clifford and Sister Fausett were playing took at least 25 minutes, and everyone was watching with rapt attention.  Including many passers by.

From there, we continued on our way to the Golden 1 Center, where I put on my tour guide hat to explain about the building and the controversial Jeff Coons sculpture that cost 8 million dollars.  None of the missionaries could guess what it was supposed to be. Which, I suppose is why it was a bit controversial.

Downtown Commons, better known as DOCO, then off on a walk to the Cathedral, and if we couldn't drive to the Capitol building, we would just walk there. 

We spent the time we would have had inside the Capitol Building, playing games, but we did have time to visit the Rose Garden at the Capitol Park. The roses in Sacramento right now are fabulous, so we didn't want to miss this opportunity to see the rose garden in full bloom.

 They were such troopers, off on foot again back to Old Sac.
A tour guide's job is never done, ha ha. Trying to corral them for a picture at the Tower Bridge was easier said than done.

Time for the Old Sac Scavenger Hunt.  These teams were ready to go...

But when they got into Old Sac, some of the teams got a little distracted.  We found one group shopping for socks in the sock store.  
And we found these Sisters sidelined as they were making an unplanned contact.  Way to chose your priorities, sisters!!!
This cute group was hurrying so fast to be the first ones done.  They worked diligently and ran to the finish line, out of breath, wondering if they were the first ones done.  We were thrilled to tell them they were first and give them their prize. We didn't have the heart to tell them that they were the only group who finished the hunt. They were so proud of themselves!
Free time in Old Sac until lunch

Thanks to Patrick Twomey for these awesome pictures, and also for the great idea to eat lunch at Round Table Pizza, instead of going back to the church for lunch.  It was awesome, 
and so much easier for me. 

And darling Sister Wallentine and Sister Montierth enlisted the help of Elder Larsen and Elder Fischetti to give President the sweetest birthday gift.  We talk about filling our own water pots in order to have miracles to the brim.  They found what looked like a water pot in their apartment and filled it to the brim with a note from every missionary in the mission, telling President what they have learned from him and why they love him.  It was such a sweet and thoughtful gift.

It was such a great day and we loved being with the missionaries for a day full of fun!

Tuesday it was back to work for us.  We left our home at 8:30 Tuesday morning and returned Thursday night at about 5:30 at night.  In those three days we interviewed 60 missionaries in the Elk Grove, Lodi, Stockton and Manteca Zones.  I have continued my 'walk and talks' so I walked 28 miles in those three days.  We stayed at two different hotels, and went to three different teaching appointments in Stockton. 

We went with Sister White and Sister Price to two different appointments.  For privacy I won't say the name of the two gentlemen we taught, but I will say that my heart was SO touched by the humble circumstances of these men and the real desire they have to be happy.  Their humility and desires to learn were humbling to me.  What a blessing to be in their homes and to hear their heartfelt prayers, one asking Heavenly Father to help him find another job so he could come to church, and one asking for help to stop smoking so he could be happy and join the church.  What a blessing to be in those lessons.  My emotions were very close to the surface. 

Then we went with Elder Lilly and Elder Swainston (who is a Hmong speaker that was on an exchange with a Spanish speaker). We went to a lesson to a family.  Scott and Elder Lilly took the lesson. Elder Swainston and I tried to follow along, act interested, and not fall asleep.  Even though we didn't understand much, the spirit was strong and the teaching was powerful . We could feel the power as Elder Lilly and President taught. We walked out, and Elder Swainston said "what just happened in there???"  

All during the Stockton interviews I heard about the famous Stockton Taco Trucks.  We had about 15 minutes for dinner between interviews and teaching and so we tried one.  They were muy bien.
We also squeezed in a few visits this week as well.  Elder and Sister Gunn were our medical couple when we first got here and were with us for about 9 months.  They worked closely with the Gunnells as well.  We love them and miss them and it was wonderful to go to dinner and get caught up with their life after the mission.  

We also had a fun visit from our dear Sister Simpson.  She left last transfer and it was so fun to have her and her wonderful family back so soon.  We love her and were so happy to spend some time with her and time getting to know her family.  We can see why she is so great after meeting her lovely family.
I don't know who in the world has made it all the way to the end of this novel, but that is a snapshot of one of our weeks.  No wonder we are getting old and tired, but it is worth all of that to be able to serve the with best missionaries, in what we believe is the best place in all the world to serve.  We feel so grateful and blessed to be having these opportunities.  Gratitude is a magnet for miracles, we are very grateful, and we are blessed to see miracles every day.  What greater blessing is there than that?

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