Friday, June 16, 2017

The Farewell Tour...

We have been overwhelmed by the love we have felt from our family and friends as we are fast approaching the start date of our mission.  We have had some fun open houses and send off parties prior to our leaving.  We have definitely felt the love this week.

Our sweet friends had an open house for our ward and other friends on Monday night at The Strong's home.  They were so kind to open their home to us and our dear friends.  We will miss these people dearly.  

Ethan might kill me for posting this picture, but Scott just looks so cute.

Can you even stand how cute these grandkids of mine are?
 My sweet visiting teachers who are like second mothers to me!

Tuesday was Scott's last day at work.  He has been the CEO of RC Willey Home Furnishings for the last 16 years and has established some wonderful relationships with his co-workers.  They had an open house for him on Tuesday and it was so nice to see how well respected he is by those who work so closely with him.

 We loved having the grandkids there and they loved the cookie and water bar.

On Wednesday my sweet sister in law, Mary Jayne hosted a fun garden party for all of the aunts, nieces and our grandchildren.  She went above and beyond and even rolled out the red carpet for me.

 I have such a great family.  Love and admire these ladies I am blessed to be related to.
 I adore this picture of my mom and Sam
 Babies everywhere you look.  Can life get any better?

Words can't express the gratitude we feel to all who have loved and supported us and who have made it very, very difficult to leave. We will miss you all so much, but are also so excited for our adventure ahead.  Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. Love you guys! You're going to love this time! xo❤️
