Friday, June 23, 2017

Setting Apart and Farewell

We have had a busy week leading up to our departure for our mission.  We have been blessed to be surrounded by family and friends for the past few weeks.  It has been so fun to have Andrea and her kids here and to have all of our kids and all of our grandchildren together.  They are the best of friends and we love them so much. 

On Thursday, June 15 we were officially set apart: Scott as the Mission President of the California Sacramento Mission by Elder Bednar, and I was set apart as a full time missionary in the California Sacramento mission by Elder Hallstrom.  We were able to have our family there with us and it was a very sacred hour.  I was pretty nervous going in, but I was amazed at the difference I felt as I was set apart.  Almost immediately I felt a peace come over me that was hard to describe.  It was a strong testament to me of the power of the priesthood and the peace that can and will come to us as we put our lives in the hands of the Lord.  Although I am still so sad to leave our family and friends that we love so much, after we were set apart I feel ready and anxious to go and start serving in this capacity.  It is a blessing to be part of this great work.  

                                                               We are official!

On Sunday, June 18 we were able to speak in church before our departure and it was a wonderful day spent with so many people we love.  Thanks to our family and so many friends who came to support us, as well as our wonderful Brookhurst ward family.  It was so surreal to be at our own 'farewell' meeting.  I have done that with 4 of our children but didn't dream I would be doing it myself at this point in my life.  But it was a  joy to see so many people that we love gathered in one room.  I was sitting up there looking at so many people we love and thinking this is what heaven is going to be like.   Our lives have been impacted by so many in such significant ways, and we have been blessed immeasurably by all of our associations.  My heart was and is full of so much gratitude and love for the good people in our lives, who have helped us become who we are and shaped our lives forever.  I have said before how we are going to take a part of each one of you with us, we have been taught and blessed and loved by so many and for that we are so very grateful. 

This is the only family picture that we got, and James was our photographer, so we didn't get everyone in it, but it is a fun memory.  You can tell by all of our faces, we were all wondering how this was going to turn out.  

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