Saturday, January 13, 2018

An Open Heart

I have been thinking a lot about the state of hearts for the past little bit.  When we finished the Book of Mormon as a mission at the end of December we were trying to think of what we should do next.  It was such a unifying experience, to be studying the same thing together as a mission.  Our last Zone Conference was all centered on Becoming the Message.  We will focus on that throughout this year.  We have pondered on how we can help our missionaries and ourselves really move from 'doing' to 'becoming'.  We felt inspired for the next 6 months to focus on studying the Christlike attributes as a mission.  Who we become is largely determined by how we incorporate Christlike attributes into our lives.  By striving to become more Christlike we will discover our true identity.  It is not just a change in behavior but a change in our very hearts. We are going to focus on each of the 9 Christlike Attributes listed in Preach My Gospel and we will focus on each one for 3 weeks.  We felt like this was a tangible way that could help us all move closer to Becoming the Message. This will take us into July and when we presented this at MLC this week, I think everyone was really excited about it.  

As we thought about which attribute to begin with, we decided to focus on Charity first.  In 1 Corinthians 13, Paul gives a discourse on Charity that is very similar to the one in Moroni 7.  In it he says: 'And now abideth faithhopecharity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.'  Faith is the first principle of the gospel, so why is Charity the greatest of these three?  Mormon tells us it is because Charity is the pure love of Christ.  So, we are beginning our study with the attribute of Charity.   

As I was studying Charity for my MLC training on it, I came across a great talk called The Love of Christ by Elder Max Caldwell.  In it he talks about how the Love of Christ could really be three dimensional.  Love for Christ, Love from Christ, and Love like Christ.  I love teaching at MLC because I just have to throw a few thoughts out there and they are so spiritually in tune, they just take it and run with it.  We had a great discussion about the three different dimensions of the Pure Love of Christ and how we as missionaries can incorporate all three into our work with our investigators, with our members, in our companionships, districts and zones, and even with ourselves.  It really is foundational for all other Christlike Attributes, and it begins with an open heart.  I am excited to see and feel the love!

Our Mission Leadership Council in action
Lunch Break

Sister Van Valkenburg and I were happy to be twinning
Some of our wonderful Sister Training Leaders

A few days prior to MLC we held our New Leader Meeting, which we have right after every transfer to train the new Zone Leaders, District Leaders and Sister Training Leaders.  This is an awesome group of new leaders. 

We had to say goodbye to Elder and Sister Rasmussen.  They had originally signed up for 18 months and ended up extending for another three months in order to give us time to get our new office couple here. We were so grateful for their willingness to serve.  Elder Rasmussen has been over housing and Sister Rasmussen has had a plethora of jobs in the office.  The missionaries loved coming in and writing down a tender mercy they had experienced in exchange for a piece of the candy she kept well stocked.  We will sure miss them and are so grateful for the time we had to serve with them. 
After the departing dinner held for the Rasmussen's with all of the senior missionaries

On Wednesday we took Hermana Sumner and Hermana June to lunch, and who should walk in, but Sister Gilbert and Sister Workman.  We had a lovely lunch with these sisters, the more the merrier. 
We started interviews this week, and we interviewed the Elk Grove Zone in conjunction with their district meetings.  One of the districts has fun wearing matching colors to meetings in order to promote more unity.  We got a text on Wednesday night informing us that the color scheme was going to be navy blue and white and inviting us to join in on the matching game.  Since I did, I was invited to be in their zone picture.  

We had a lesson in contrasts that day following the interviews.  We went teaching with some sisters who needed help releasing a lady the missionaries had been teaching for a very long time.  As we sat in this woman's living room I could tell we were on a completely different page from her.  She had no desire to know if the Book of Mormon was true or if Joseph Smith saw God the Father and our Savior Jesus Christ, or if the restoration really happened.  She liked the missionaries coming over and helping her with chores and service and such, but had a completely closed heart.  We talk about how releasing an investigator is an act of faith.  If their hearts are closed, we need to move on and find those with open hearts who desire to know the truth.  Scott helped them release her in a very kind way and we went outside to process with the sisters for a bit.  We were talking about how we can bring the message unto their hearts, but they have to have an open heart to bring the message into their hearts.  

As we were talking, Scott leaves and walks across the street.  I was still talking with the sisters and after about 5 minutes he called us over.  He had seen Steven walking down the street and walked over to introduce himself.  After a 5 minute conversation he found out that Steven was looking for something in his life, he believed in the Old Testament prophets and accepted the fact that if God spoke to prophets then, he would be able to speak to prophets today.  You could see in his eyes his desire to know and understand these things.  Scott introduced him to the sisters, they exchanged numbers and he was eager to listen to their message about living prophets.  Then Scott said, 'Steven, what are you doing right now? Do you have some free time?" He said that he did and so we loaded Steven into our car and followed the sisters to the church, where I gave them treats left over from our interviews and they happily went into the church for a lesson.  One of the sisters has been here for less than two weeks and this was the first real lesson she had taught.  They called us after the lesson and they were so excited, like kids in a candy store. They kept talking about how receptive he was and how he had such a desire to learn.  The contrast between the first lady and Steven was marked and it was a very good example of a closed heart vs. an open heart, and also a confirmation that when one door closes and we have the faith to close that door if it is not going to go anywhere, He opens a window and the sun shines through.  

We left that lesson and went to another one with some elders to a woman probably in her 40's who has had her fair share of challenges.  Talk about a difference in lessons from the first one of the day. This woman was full of faith and hope and was like a sponge, soaking up everything we taught her, having such a desire to learn and grow and develop a relationship with our Heavenly Father.  She had one of the most open hearts I have ever witnessed and it was a strong testimony to me that it is all about the state of our hearts.  If we have open hearts, that leads to faith and hope and the ability to learn and grow.  It was a blessing to be in Gina's home that night, she was a wonderful example to me.

A few things of a more personal note:  We had to say goodbye to Ethan and Preston, again.  I love that we are close enough for them to come and stay with us often, it makes my mother heart happy that they have a 'home' close enough to go home to on their breaks. We had a wonderful time with them here over Christmas.  I love to see them come, and I really hate to see them leave.  
Ready to head to the airport and my smile is completely fake.  Luckily they are both coming back fairly soon.

Scott was able to have a little p-day fun with Elders Murphy, Yorgasen, Ludlow and Manalansang.  From what I hear he was still able to hold his own on the court.  I had an inkling it may have gotten a bit physical when I got a text from Elder Murphy saying that whatever President came home and told me about him, he was sorry.  Ha Ha. 

We were also able to see some of my family this week.  My brother Curtis was in town for business and we were able to go to dinner with him on Monday night and we had a great visit.  He is wonderful and we were so grateful to be able to spend the evening with him.  Then on Friday, my niece Annie, her husband Charlie and their darling baby Walter were able to stop by for lunch. They have been living in San Jose and are moving back to Utah and we were right on the way.  She had Walter about 2 weeks after we came on our mission so I had never met him.  I have to say, we got along really well, although he is such a happy darling baby, he probably gets along well with everyone.  We were so happy to be able to spend a few hours with them.  

We finished out the week with the baptism of Annie Dong Saturday morning.  Even though we don't understand much of what is said at the Chinese baptisms, we certainly can feel with our hearts the sacredness of the ordinances being performed.  The Chinese members are so supportive of each other, I love to see the charity and love they have for one another.  I was so proud of Elder Hammond, who has been teaching Annie. He was able to baptize her and he said the baptismal prayer in Chinese.  He doesn't speak Chinese! His companion Elder Chen had coached him and he did it!  He also said it in English after he said it in Chinese, just in case he didn't get it exactly right.  Afterwards I was talking to him and I asked him if he ever thought he would be coming to Sacramento to baptize someone in Chinese.  We laughed at how, on a mission, you just never know what is coming your way next.  You just stand ready with an open heart and willing hands to see what the Lord has in store, and then, with His help, you do it. 

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