Saturday, January 27, 2018

Stay On The Wall

We had Zone Conference this week, it's funny how quickly six weeks goes by when you mark time from Zone Conference to Zone Conference, or Transfer to Transfer.  We love Zone Conferences and the spirit the Elders and Sisters bring with them.  They are always so anxious to learn and share.  It's a wonderful two days.  

We set for the theme of the conference "Keep Calm and Carry On".  We told them that since it was the first Zone Conference of 2018, we were going to talk about ways that they can make this year great by giving them ideas to Keep Calm and Carry On in their missionary duties.  

Scott took the Keep Calm portion and gave an awesome training on things they CAN control, things they CAN influence and things they CAN"T control and how living in the 'things you can't control will bring stress and anxiety and worry and excuses.  Whereas, living in the 'things you can control' will increase the things you can influence and make them happier, calmer missionaries.  It was awesome.  Our daughter Andrea and her husband Mike were able to come with us and they both said they would have loved a training that was so helpful to missionary work when they were missionaries.  (I can say this because it was his training and he is wonderful)

I talked about 'Carry On' and began with the story of Nehemiah. Nehemiah was a Jew born while the Jews were in exile from Jerusalem.  He was in favor with the King of Persia and he had one of the most trusted positions, that of the king’s cup bearer.  He had never been to Jerusalem, in fact, he went back to Jerusalem almost 100 years after the first group, so about 170 years after they were first taken into captivity.  But when he heard of the sad condition of the Jews who had returned to Jerusalem and the troubles they were having, he fasted and prayed for them, and felt inspired to go and help rebuild the walls and gates of Jerusalem and to refortify that city.  And so, with the King’s approval he went to Jerusalem to help them.  The leaders of the surrounding communities were angry that the Jews were fortifying Jerusalem and resuming their former religious practices and therefore, as they worked on the walls they had to arm themselves in order to defend their families and homes.  The walls were not only a protection but a symbol of the establishment of the Jews as a people and the holy city became a unifying force for the Jews.  That is why their enemies were so intent on halting their work.

 In Nehemiah 2:18  We read that they were there to be builders and they strengthened their hands for this good work. They had a purpose, they had urgency in their work.

Nehemiah could not be diverted from his sacred responsibilities.  When Nehemiah's enemies tried to tempt him to come down from the wall, and to walk away from his duty to rebuild the city walls he said 
"I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down: why should the work cease, whilst I leave it, and come down to you?"  (Nehemiah 6:2-3)

His enemies continued to tempt him, 4 more times to come down, but he knew and understood his duty, he stayed on the wall and carried on.

I asked them to come up with patterns that we can apply and learn from Nehemiah in our missionary work.  It was amazing what they came up with, their insight and depth is really astounding.  We talked about why we are on the wall, what are the things that tempt us to come down from the wall, and why it is critical that we carry on with urgency and STAY on the wall.  

We also had a breakout where I took the Sisters and Scott and the assistants stayed with the Elders.  We had a delicious lunch and a wonderful training by the Assistants on how effective studies, finding and working with members helps us fulfill our missionary purpose to teach repentance and baptize converts.  Also, as a mission we are studying the Christlike Attributes for the next 6 months and we told everyone to come prepared to give a 5 minute talk on Charity and then Scott called on a few of them to come up and give their talks.  They were all awesome. We also had some wonderful musical numbers.  We really love being with our missionaries so much.  We also loved having Mike and Andrea and their kids join us.  They were able to bear their testimonies as well and we are so proud to introduce our family to our missionaries.  Now each of our children and all of our grandchildren have met all of our missionaries and it is great for our family as well, as they immediately love our missionaries and have a vested interest in their lives as soon as they meet them.  

Day 1: El Dorado, Folsom, Carmichael and North Sacramento Zones
North Sacramento Zone
Carmichael Zone
El Dorado Zone
Folsom Zone

Day 2: Sacramento, Elk Grove, Cordova and East Sacramento Zones
Elk Grove Zone
Sacramento Zone
East Sacramento Zone
Cordova Zone

Synchronized Eating 
    ....when I have grown a foot or two!

In other mission news... We learned what goes around comes around.  Back in August I wrote about losing my scriptures and how Hermana Alexander and Hermana Hernandez found them and got them to me.  Well, after zone conference, Hermana Alexander left her scriptures at the church, with the help of some other sisters who found them at the church and put them in the mission office, we were able to go to the office and retrieve them and return them to Hermana Alexander.  I know too well that panic of thinking you have lost your scriptures.  
We also got our new Mission Office couple here in Sacramento today.  Elder and Sister Gunnell, who happen to be our dear friends, have arrived and we couldn't be more thrilled.  I don't think I have seen a bigger smile on Scott's face since we have been here to be reunited with his friend and former Executive Secretary.  They just work well together!!!  And, of course, I can hardly believe it's true that our dear friends are really here.  We can't wait to do this great work with them, we are definitely 'Staying on the Wall', and are so happy they have joined us up there!

(Peggy is going to be mad at me for posting these pictures because she was embarrassed she was in her p-day clothes, but this is right at the moment they drove in. I would have driven in my p-day clothes as well, and she looks beautiful no matter what!)

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